Welcome, Amma Earths' first virtual workshop. Join Grace Panian to dive into the meaning of Chitta Vritti. Also known as mind chatter or mind fluctuations, the wondering thoughts with no rhythm or purpose. We will bring more depth to the meaning by discussing Yoga Sutra 1.2, a yoga text that shines light on quieting the mind. This class will include meditation practices to help control the fluctuations and quiet the chatter, allowing you to live with more awareness. A handout will be provided!
Our Divine Nature is always there, but our view gets distorted from family, friends, expectations, society, and life experiences. The good news is the Vrittis or disturbances of the mind can be changed or lessened. When the fluctuations of the mind are still, we are at one with everything and all that is. There is no good or bad, or mine or yours things become more transparent, and we experience ultimate reality, peace, and awareness,
No experience is needed. This workshop is for anyone looking for a more profound practice. Teachers interested in bring more depth into their teaching. Or anyone who has the slightest interest in living a life with more awareness. All that is required is a notebook and an open mind!!!
The workshop will be hosted Via Zoom. An email will be sent out of the morning event if your comfortable join with the video so we can connect on a deeper level (:
Investment: $13
Pay with all major credit cards, Apple Pay or PayPal.
We understand every finical situation is different. Amma Earth offers sliding payments based on student's ability to pay. Please contact us Via email to discuss further Ammaearthwellness@gmail.com.
3/14/21 12:30pm-1:30pm CST
A little bit about the host:
Grace Panian
I had no passion for most of my life. I was extremely insecure, and, for some reason, I thought I wasn't creative. Nowadays, all those feelings have fallen. Not to say there aren't challenging or uncertain moments, but that's it. They are simply moments that pass. Yoga, meditation, energy, expressing myself, and connecting with others are the loves of my life. Through my teaching, I hope to support others connect to their center — the space of purpose that helps to create the life you want. More than being a teacher, I am a life long student. Every person, experience, situation, whether it is light or dark, is an opportunity to reflect on what you learned. My dream is to live according to my rhythm, purpose, and meaning while supporting others to do the same. I spent time studying in India, where I connected with the ancient practice. Honoring the philosophy surrounding the practice and learning more is my passion. To me, Yoga is a way of life. It allows me to get to know and embrace all parts of myself. Bringing more awareness to mind, spirit, body, and perception.
Sign up: https://www.ammaearth.com/investment/quieting-the-fluctuations-of-the-mind-virtual-workshop